Changing Contours: "Starting with the parking lot for 3,500 cars opposite the entrance and moving clockwise, we note the double-circle Otto Center, the Children's Zoo, Wegeforth Bowl and Reptile Mesa, the Zoo Hospital area, and the Great Ape Moats at the end of Bird and Monkey Mesa. Then we travel up the canyon road from south to north with its various exhibits on either side, the Large Mammal Mesa on the right of it, and the Warehouse area to the left at the north end of the road. Highway 395 (now 163) borders the extreme left of the photo as well as the west side of the Zoo. The newly planted, sparse-appearing section to the right of the highway has undergone recent vast changes in contour. Winding south down the Horn and Hoof Mesa road leads to the newly developed Sheep and Goat canyon side enclosures and the guided tour bus turn-around."