A New Dimension for Research

From Dr. Schroeder’s increasing interest in conservation in the mid-1960s through the building and opening of the Wild Animal Park, the Zoological Society of San Diego was experiencing the increasing momentum of applying its reputation for science and research to the challenges of conservation. Dr. Kurt Benirschke (left), a physician, researcher, and professor, had been on the board of trustee’s science and research committee for several years, and along with Dr. Schroeder and Chuck Bieler, he saw the compelling need for research to help endangered species. Dr. Benirschke and Chuck Bieler worked together to explore and expand what the Zoological Society of San Diego’s role could be in conservation research. The result was founding a groundbreaking new arm of the organization: the Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species (CRES), with Dr. Benirschke taking on the directorship. This achievement positioned the Zoological Society of San Diego as the world’s largest zoo-based conservation organization.


New Era 1967 - 1976
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